The Benefits of Cross Training for Women Over 35

I'm Kellie Chambers, an International Nia Trainer with a passion for helping women like you unlock their full potential through movement.

Today, I want to chat about something close to my heart: cross training for women over 35 and wellness routines for women. Trust me, it's a game-changer when it comes to boosting strength, mobility, bone density, and overall health. Let's dive in!

What is Cross Training?

First things first: what exactly is cross training?

Simply put, it's mixing up different types of exercise to improve your overall fitness. It involves engaging in multiple types of exercises or sports to improve overall performance and reduce the risk of injury. By incorporating varied workouts, cross training helps prevent boredom, works different muscle groups, and allows for active recovery between intense sessions. This could include Nia classes (my favorite!), traditional strength training, swimming, yoga, walking, hiking, or even chasing after those energetic kids or grandkids. The key is variety.

Cross training works by combining different types of exercise to develop specific fitness components and improve your overall fitness. Movement and exercise can be categorized into different types with a variety of goals and benefits for your body:

  • Aerobic: Running, Nia, dancing, cycling, rowing, swimming, or hopping on the elliptical

  • Strength: Lifting weights or bodyweight exercises like push-ups

  • Flexibility: Yoga or stretching

Why Cross Training is Essential for Women Over 35

Our bodies go through some changes after 35. We start losing bone density and muscle mass, and our metabolism slows down. Cross training can be our secret weapon against these changes. Cross training workouts include varied activities to improve overall fitness, balance, and flexibility, reducing the risk of injury and falls. It also boosts metabolism, aids in weight management, and enhances cardiovascular health, addressing common concerns for this age group.

Additionally, the diverse nature of cross training keeps workouts engaging, promoting consistency and mental well-being, which are vital for long-term health and fitness success in women over 35.

Why Cross-Training is Essential for Women Over 35

Cross-training involves incorporating a variety of exercise methods and disciplines into your fitness routine. This practice ensures a well-rounded approach to physical health, addressing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and mental well-being.

  1. Balanced Fitness: Cross-training helps prevent overuse injuries by varying the types of movements and stresses placed on your body. This is especially important as our bodies naturally change and might become more susceptible to injury with age.

  2. Bone Health: Engaging in weight-bearing and resistance exercises within a cross-training regimen can help maintain and improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

  3. Muscle Mass: After age 35, muscle mass naturally begins to decline. Cross-training, which includes strength training exercises, can help preserve and even build muscle, keeping your body strong and functional.

  4. Cardiovascular Health: Incorporating aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming, or dancing keeps your heart healthy, enhancing circulation, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

  5. Flexibility and Mobility: Including practices like yoga or stretching routines in your cross-training regimen ensures that your joints remain flexible and your muscles stay pliable, aiding in overall mobility and reducing stiffness.

  6. Mental Well-being: Cross-training isn’t just beneficial for the body; it’s a powerful tool for mental health. The variety keeps your workouts engaging and fun, reducing boredom and maintaining motivation. Additionally, different types of exercises can provide stress relief, enhance mood, and boost overall mental resilience.

  7. Functional Fitness: A diverse exercise routine prepares your body for various physical activities and daily tasks. This functional fitness approach ensures you can move through life with greater ease and less discomfort.

Cross Training Benefits

  • Increased Strength: Combining holistic fitness programs like Nia and strength training for women helps build muscle strength and endurance. You'll be amazed at how much stronger you feel in your daily life.

  • Improving mobility: Incorporating things like yoga and stretching into your routine can work wonders for your range of motion and help prevent injuries.

  • Increasing bone density through exercise: Weight-bearing exercises are crucial for maintaining strong bones and warding off osteoporosis.

  • Cardiovascular Health: Activities like Nia dance fitness, walking, and hiking keep your heart happy and healthy while boosting your endurance.

  • Weight Management: A mix of aerobic and anaerobic exercises helps maintain a healthy weight and keeps your metabolism humming.

  • Improve your skill, agility, and balance

  • Enhance motivation: Cross training helps reduce exercise boredom

Cross Training with Nia

Now, let me tell you about my favorite form of cross training: Nia. Nia is an amazing blend of mind-body fitness techniques, dance, martial arts, and healing arts that not only gives you a full-body workout but also enhances your body awareness and brings joy to exercise. I've found that Nia complements other forms of training beautifully, creating a well-rounded fitness experience. Nia workouts typically involve barefoot movement to music, focusing on joy of movement, body awareness, and self-expression. The practice aims to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and overall well-being.

The great thing about Nia is it really combines the benefits of all three types of movement: strength training, cardio, and flexibility/balance. We engage in bodyweight exercises throughout class and as we get down on the floor for floorplay. Our whole class is a wonderful 60-minute cardio session – without you ever feeling like you can’t keep up. Nia is all about listening to YOUR body’s way. We also incorporate flexibility and balance throughout every class and every routine.

Incorporating Cross Training into Your Life

Ready to get started? Here are some tips:

  • Start small and gradually increase the variety and intensity of your workouts.

  • Aim for a balance of different activities throughout the week.

  • Listen to your body and adjust as needed to avoid injuries.

Implementing Cross-Training:

Start by selecting a mix of activities you enjoy. Here’s a simple structure to get you started:

  • Strength Training: 2-3 times a week (weights, resistance bands, bodyweight exercises)

  • Cardio: 3-5 times a week (Nia, walking, running, cycling, swimming, dance)

  • Flexibility/Balance: 2-3 times a week (yoga, Pilates, stretching routines)

Listen to your body and adjust as needed, ensuring you’re challenging yourself without overdoing it. Remember, the goal is to create a sustainable, enjoyable, and effective fitness routine that supports your overall well-being.

Embrace the journey of cross-training and discover the transformative benefits it can bring to your body, mind, and spirit.

My Personal Cross Training Routine

Want to know how I stay ACTIVE and energized? Here's a peek into my routine:

  • Daily Nia classes (of course!)

  • Personal training and weight training sessions several times a week

  • Daily walks with my furry friend, Kenai

  • Keeping up with my grandkids (talk about a workout!)

This mix has been incredible for my health. I feel stronger, more flexible, and have so much more energy to keep up with my active lifestyle. Just the other day, I spent hours in the park and pool with my grandkids, and I felt fantastic – no aches or fatigue!

Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated

I know it's not always easy to stick to a routine. Life gets busy, progress can seem slow, and sometimes we just don't feel like it. But remember, every little bit counts. Find activities you enjoy, set realistic goals, and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

Community and Support

Having a supportive community can make all the difference. Consider joining a class, finding a workout buddy, or connecting with like-minded women online. The encouragement and accountability can be incredibly motivating.

There are many benefits of cross training and it is a powerful tool for women over 35. It helps us stay strong, flexible, and healthy as we age. By incorporating a variety of activities into our routines, we can combat the natural changes in our bodies and continue living vibrant, active lives.

So, are you ready to give cross training a try?

I promise you won't regret it. Your body will thank you!

How to Start Cross Training

I'd love to help you on your cross training journey!

Join me for a Nia class or reach out if you need guidance on starting your own cross-training regimen. View my class schedule and get more information on how to connect with our amazing community of women supporting each other in health and fitness. Your first class is free and I would love to see you there!

Remember, it's never too late to start taking care of yourself. Let's move, groove, and thrive together!