Join Our Upcoming White Belt Nia® Trainings!

Hello,beautiful souls!

I am thrilled to invite you on an exciting journey to transform your life through movement, mindfulness, and self-discovery.

Are you ready to embark on a path of joy, empowerment, and wellness like no other? Welcome to the upcoming Nia® White Belt Trainings, where your adventure begins!

What is Nia®?

Before we dive into the details of our training, let's start with the basics. What is Nia, you ask? Nia is not your typical fitness program; it's a holistic mind-body practice that combines dance, martial arts, and healing arts to create a unique and transformative experience. Nia is all about embracing your body's wisdom, moving with purpose, and finding joy in every step.

The White Belt Experience

The Nia® White Belt Training, The Art of Sensation, is your gateway to this extraordinary world of holistic fitness and self-discovery. Whether you're completely new to Nia or looking to deepen your practice or even start teaching, the White Belt is the perfect place to start. The Art of Sensation explores Nia practices and philosophy in 13 body-centered principles that have been developed and tested by thousands of participants over 40 years. Each training is a transformative experience that will guide you home to your body where you will discover and connect with your authentic self. Learning to listen to the voice of your body develops body literacy and empowers you to make choices that enhance health and total well-being in your body and life.

Here's what you can expect:

Sensation Science and Sensory Anatomy
The Basics and Beyond

In this training, we'll explore the fundamentals of Nia, including the 52 moves that form the foundation of our practice. You'll learn how to adapt these moves to your unique body, creating a personalized movement practice that feels like a celebration of self-expression. We’ll also cover the study of body awareness, health, and vitality along with a deep dive into the study of body design – its parts and systems.

The Body’s Way Philosophy
Body Awareness and Sensation

Nia is all about listening to your body. Through guided exercises, you'll develop a deep sense of body awareness and learn to move in a way that feels good for you. No more forcing yourself into uncomfortable positions or rigid routines!

Music + Sound Resonance
Mindfulness and Presence

Incorporating elements of mindfulness, Nia encourages you to stay present in each moment. You'll discover how to connect with your breath, your body, and the music, fostering a sense of inner peace and balance. We’ll also study sound, health, and expression.

Movement Creativity
The Joy of Dance

Dancing is at the heart of Nia. You'll experience the pure joy of dancing as you connect with the rhythm of life. Let go of inhibitions and dance like no one's watching because, in Nia, every movement is an expression of your authentic self. We’ll cover the study of moving, health, and potential.

Community and Connection

Our Nia community is like no other. During the White Belt Training, you'll connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for wellness and self-discovery. Together, we create a supportive and nurturing environment where everyone's journey is celebrated.


This 16-Session In-Person Experience Includes:

  • 32 Hours of In-Person, Experiential Group Learning of the 13 ART OF SENSATION principles through embodied exercises, personal reflection and discussion

  • 10 1-Hour Nia Classes with your Trainer to help you embody and integrate ART OF SENSATION principles and practices

  • Pre-Training Online Course Portal with materials and information to prepare you for your ART OF SENSATION experience

  • ART OF SENSATION Online Course Portal* with access to the ART OF SENSATION Curriculum including:

    • 15 individual ART OF SENSATION session booklets (PDF Downloads) sharing Nia philosophy, principles and practices correlated to each live session

    • Nia ART OF SENSATION Journal to document and record your course journey (PDF Download)

    • 2-Week FREE Trial of Nia On Demand (for new Nia On Demand subscribers)

    • Bonus Materials

*You will have access to your online ART OF SENSATION course portal for a total of 18 weeks (for the duration of your training plus bonus time).

Upcoming Training Dates

We know you're eager to join us for this life-changing experience, so here are our upcoming White Belt Nia Training dates:


April 21-27, 2024
with Kellie Chambers and Debbie-Lee Van Ginkel


July 20-26, 2024
with Kellie Chambers


September 27-October 3, 2024
with Kellie Chambers and Helen Terry

Mark your calendars, gather your friends, and get ready to embark on a transformational journey with us! Spaces fill up quickly, so don't miss out on this incredible opportunity.

Benefits of White Belt Nia Training

Now, let's talk about the amazing benefits you'll reap from your White Belt Nia® Training experience:

Total Body Fitness

Nia provides a complete body workout that's gentle yet effective. You'll build strength, improve flexibility, and enhance your cardiovascular health—all while having a blast.

Stress Reduction

In our fast-paced world, stress can weigh us down. Nia's mindful movement and dance release endorphins, reducing stress and boosting your mood.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection

Through Nia, you'll deepen your connection with your body, making you more attuned to its needs and signals. This connection extends beyond your practice and into your everyday life.

Increased Joy and Creativity

Nia is a celebration of life, and it's impossible not to feel joyous while dancing. This newfound sense of joy can spill over into all aspects of your life, sparking creativity and inspiration.

Supportive Community

Our Nia community is more than just a group of people; it's a network of friends and fellow seekers who support each other on their wellness journeys. You'll find encouragement, camaraderie, and lasting friendships here.

Continue the Journey with Nia Membership

After you graduate, you are invited to join our global community of Nia members. Nia membership is for every training graduate, with choices for the passionate body and life student, the prospective Nia teacher and the Nia teaching professional. Joining Nia membership connects you to a global movement of peers who, like you, are living the magic of Nia in body and life.

Join us!

In conclusion, our White Belt Nia Training is your chance to experience a fitness practice like no other. You'll dance, you'll move, you'll find joy, and you'll discover the incredible power of mindful wellness. Join us for an unforgettable journey that will leave you feeling empowered, refreshed, and transformed.

If you're ready to say yes to wellness, join us for our upcoming White Belt Nia Training. Let's dance, let's move, and let's transform together. We can't wait to welcome you into our Nia community with open arms!

Ready to sign up or have questions? Reach out today, and let's start this exciting adventure together.

See you on the dance floor!